Li Chevalier

1961 Beijing, China


Li Chevalier is a Chinese born French artist who graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design (London).

Working at the crossroad of Europe and Asia for the past two decades, she is most known for her “Euro-Asian” art language born out of blending western media and elements of eastern traditional art. Li Chevalier’s experimental ink painting style can be identified by her personal way of incorporating Chinese ink into canvas, blended with pigment, mineral chips, sand and elements of Chinese art such as rice paper and calligraphy. By using such mixed media, she transcends the classical ink-on-paper model.

Li Chevalier showed at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in 2007 and her first monographic exhibition took place at the National Art Museum of China in 2010. Other solo shows followed, including at the Fine Art Museum of Shanghai (2011) and the Chinese National Opera (2013), at the Centre d’Art Contemporain La Base Sous- Marine of Bordeaux (2014), and recently at the Contemporary Art Museum of Rome (2017).

Li Chevalier lives between Paris, Beijing and the Middle East.

Li Chevalier – Trajectoires de Désir

Li Chevalier – Trajectoires de Désir

45.00 €

Author: Luc Ferry, Gérard Xuriguera, Raphaël Enthoven, Emmanuel Lincot, Alfredo Scarciglia, François Julien, Geneviève Galley, Daniel Bougnoux

Clothbound: Hardcover

Dimensions: 32.7x23.8x2.5cm

Language: French or English

Publisher: cherche midi

Print date: 2017

ISBN: 978-2-7491-5571-5
